LNS Accountants | Accountants Whitley Bay




Please see below some changes following the Chancellor's Spring Budget and a brief list of areas that may need particular attention for the new Tax Year: -


  • Making Tax Digital is now live for all VAT registered businesses. Do you have compatible software and procedures in place and are you aware of the changes from 1 April 2024?   If not, please contact us to see how we can help.
  • National Minimum Wage increase from 1 April 2024:

          £11.44 - Age 21 and over
          £ 8.60 - Ages 18 - 20
          £ 6.40 - Ages under 18
          £ 6.40 - Apprentices   

  • From the 6 April 2023 the Employment Allowance which could reduce Employer’s Class 1 National Insurance Contributions (NICs) has remained at £5,000. This was be removed from 6 April 2020 for Employer's with an  Employer's NIC liability of £100,000 or more in 2019/20. 
  • Annual Investment Allowance increased to £1 million from 1 January 2022 to 31 March 2023
  • Personal Allowance limit remains at £12,570 from 6 April 2024
  • Higher rate 40% tax threshold remains at £50,270 from 6 April 2024 & Additional rate of 45% over £125,140
  • Income limit for Personal Allowance remains at £100,000 from 6 April 2024 
  • Corporation Tax remains at 19% for 2023 for businesses with profits less than £50,000 then at 25% for businesses with profits of more than £250,000 and the marginal relief percentage will be applied to profits between those thresholds
  • New HMRC redesigned Business Records Checks (BRC) are now being implemented - are you ready?
  • HMRC PAYE Real Time Information (RTI) regime - are you aware of the penalties for non-compliance? 
  • Were you ready for the 5 April 2024 Tax Year end and will you utilise all of your allowances and reliefs on your 2024 Self Assessment Tax Return by 31 January 2025?
  • Have you missed out on Class 4 NIC loss relief?
  • VAT Flat Rate Scheme - are you losing out?
  • Did you miss the filing deadline of 31 October 2023 for paper based tax returns?
  • Can your existing Accountant guarantee that they can produce iXBRL compliant Accounts and Returns?
  • Did your current Accountant advise you of "the real tax year end" and did you miss out on Capital Allowances Relief? 
  • Are your Company details up to date with the relevant authorities?
  • Are you aware of the new HMRC compliance visits and penalty system?
  • Are your Company expenses records up to date and do they comply with HMRC guidelines?
  • Are you receiving the right Tax, PAYE, VAT and Accountancy advice?
  • Are you given sufficient notice to plan for forthcoming tax liabilities and take advantage of Capital Investment?
  • Does your Company have an effective "R&D" policy and do you comply with HMRC legislation?
  • Are you being overcharged and undervalued by your current Accountant?


If you have any queries or doubts regarding the above, then we would advise that you contact us immediately for a free initial consultation and we can guarantee you will not be disappointed. 


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LNS Accountants is the trading name of LNS Accountants Limited Registered in England and Wales No. 4547332